Das ist die Homepage der Journalistin Bettina Figl

Tag: Datenjournalismus

Forschung, finanziert vom US-Militär

Brustkrebs und Quantenphysik: Hintergründe zu Uni-Projekten, die vom US-Verteidigungsministerium bezahlt werden. Studierende fordern Zivilklauseln an den Universitäten.

An der MedUni Wien finanziert das US-Verteidigungsministerium eine Studie zu Brustkrebsprävention, Geld des US-Militärs fließt auch in die Forschung an Quantencomputern, welche die Universität Wien und die Universität Innsbruck betreiben. Ist diese Art von Forschungsförderung im neutralen Österreich zulässig?

Dieser Artikel ist am 11.12.2019 in der „Wiener Zeitung“ erschienen.


Talk about robots and coding at re:publica

Talk with Alexander Fanta from how robots and coding are
changing the newsroom at re:publica 2018. You can read a summary here

How data journalism helps small newsrooms

I was invited to talk about my research in Oxford with the makers of
„Check Your Facts“ podcast. Thanks, guys!

Bigger is not always better: What we can learn about data journalism from small newsrooms

DUyO-4FW0AAHLkM.jpg-largeBettina Figl’s paper on data journalism in small newsrooms is based on literature, case studies and interviews with heads of newsroom data teams in Germany, Austria and the UK. Her findings make it clear that data journalism is all about team work, and size is no barrier to innovation.Indeed smaller newsrooms can be at an advantage when it comes to integrating data teams. Journalists in smaller publications often communicate better with each other, are more willing to take risks, and can change the culture of the newsroom more easily. Limited resources and lack of expertise in data journalism can be overcome by collaborations and networks like The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s Bureau Local, which connects local newsrooms all over the UK. The paper can be downloaded here.